Hello! I'm GALA GAL Jenelle and we're talking about bachelor auctions on behalf of Expert Village. Our next key is ways to encourage higher bids. Remember higher bids equal more money...



Hello, welcome back I'm Gala Gal Janelle, Janelle Taylor a certified Benefit Auctioneer Specialist. I'm here on behalf of Expert Village to talk about bachelor auctions. We are up to...



Hello! I'm Jenelle Taylor. I'm a licensed auctioneer and certified as a benefit auctioneer specialist by the National Auctioneers Association. I'm here today on behalf of...



Hello! I'm Jenelle Taylor, GALA GAL Jenelle, a licensed auctioneer and certified benefit auctioneer specialist. I'm here on behalf of Expert Village and we're talking about...



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There are a lot of antique vases out there and you're not quite sure the value of them? I'm Blake Kennedy and I'm at Patty and Friends Antique Mall in St. Petersburg, Florida....
One of the greatest things that you can find at garages sales, which I still find; I’m always on the lookout for records. Now this particular record, which is the Butcher album, cover for the...
So you're looking to start an antique business and you're not quite sure what to do. I'm Blake Kennedy with Kennedy Brothers Estate Services, and I'm here to help....
CompareQuotes is an independent company that hand selects the most reliable, professional and affordable businesses in the trade and service industries. The following business has consistently met our...
This is a charming brick home on approximately 2 acres in Sinton, Texas. Built in 1927 with the upper level added in 1981, the main home has 5 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms with approximately 2,900 square...