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[Music plays] (Prof Branko Celler) The population is ageing. Those aged over 65 will double and those aged over 85 will quadruple in the next 20-years. Chronic disease at present consumes over 70 per...
Hey guys it's Liane here from Gastrofork and tonight is the night before actual Chinese New Year. And that's when we have our tuen leen fan, which is the direct translation of...
Being at home with Claude. You don't think that I would prefer to be at home watching television... ...and not with a fag who slits peoples throats? You think that I don't have...



Hi, my name is Maya. This is Tony, Tamazo and Mateyo. Hi. And we are the Schisano family and we are big fans of Telstra and Foxtel. We're a very active family, we're an outdoor family...
Hi, this is Nathan holmquist, for this video I'll show you some ways in which you can stay more productive when you're working at home. I don't know about you but when I work...
I'm Diana, I have a 19-year old son, a 4-year old girl and my husband. Yea, We've always got something to do, because have to entertain the children and thankfully there's...
eBooks is the new word for books. They are an improved technology for sharing marketing info, new ideas, improved techniques, and especially for sharing expert advice transcribed from interviews. Each...