host: your going to that seniors hotel party its bingo night your looking for something to wear how about a 13K panzoto-panzanite ring this is - oh we got a caller already on this one. hello sir you...
So, this is a response to the girl that on the video, I don't know where she's from. Some kind of college or something. And, she was just saying some really racist things about people...
Women will never understand what it means to be a shy guy around women. Women think that if a guy doesn't approach them, then they're not interested - or they have a girlfriend or...
What are you listening to? I'm listening to my favorite song. I show you, I show you right now. you ready? - ugggh! Baby, baby, baby ohhhhh baby, baby, baby ooohhhh - ugh! Ohhh! Ugggh!!! no,...
JFIF $3br %&'()*456789:CDEFGHIJSTUVWXYZcdefghijstuvwxyz &'()*56789:CDEFGHIJSTUVWXYZcdefghijstuvwxyz QIt&j OJ<! sk$O d6k) ~ozb FY^5 bFl{ $P#lpr mnEH t$ch...
Ok I'm back in this ..but no back n fourth Gotta rap more Little bit of this and a little bit of that But I'm really doin this for my people Cause D. Fung said that they need you Eyes...
Subtitles by DramaFever Is what you want perhaps... revenge? Are you trying to get even because I betrayed you? What would you get after your revenge? Be practical! Ask for money! You even sell your...
One to 10? I'm going to give you a six. How does that make you feel? [JAKE fake cries] Seven, eight. Six? Your first impression? -Okay, where you from? I don't know you. I'll...
Inositol: used as a stand-in for cocaine in films You guys want a line? You got weed? -No, I got some powder Shit, hold on, bitch, I will call you back What do you have? This guy is a badass You want...
Your favorite pickup line... This face leaves in 10 minutes... Be on it I'm married... -If you had to use a pick up line, what would you use? I don't have any idea, it's been...