My name is Hugo Aparicio. I am thirty-seven years old... ...I am a gardener, and I live in La Coruña, Spain. I hold secondary education certificates. I complemented my education with training...
Thank you, Isay. We'll now proceed with a talk, I'll invite Alejandro Aravena to join us. I also want to invite to our chat the businessman Otávio Zarvos. Otávio, please. Architect...
For expressions look somewhat like an embedded query language. This session is going to explore the details of the relationship between for expressions and database queries. The for notation that...
OUR PROJECTS ARE SCALED TO OUR DREAMS Those are projects that people have really liked, that is our satisfaction and most of all because the investor has recovered his investment. We are talking about...
Paris has the biggest number of cinemas per inhabitant of any city in the world. Nowadays, these are mostly multiplexes run by international corporations. But some of the auditoriums where cinematic...
Diesel Final Videocast]]> [music playing] Larry Patts: This is the diesel engines and emissions laboratory. [music playing] Our mission in this branch in to eliminate the adverse health effects...
hola, que tal, soy martín y explicarte cómo hacer para poner los tomacorrientes, o comunmente llamados enchufes dentro de una casa. Cómo es el diseño de una instalación de enchufes básica. Para eso...
Muy bien, vamos a comenzar con el tutorial número tres. Y hoy vamos a ver cimentaciones, a lo que ya hemos visto que es la parte de zanjeo, profundidad de cimientos y repaso de escuadras, ahora lo...
Proceso de construcción de una bóveda tabicada. Parte 3. Restauración de la Iglesia de Valverde de los Arroyos. Guadalajara. España Abril de 2011. Arquitecto: Julio Jesús Palomino. Asesor estructural...

