Aristotle international

This notion of inherent goodness in human nature is something that I would like to express is just not an oriental phenomena. This notion of what inherent human nature is has been obviously within...
MR. RHODES: Hi, everybody. Thanks for getting on this call. I just wanted to read out the President’s meeting with Prime Minister Gilani. This meeting (inaudible) to discuss the importance that they...
Time for a bit of ancient wisdom. How many of you have heard of Aristotle? How many of you have heard of Cicero? Educated, aren't we. :-) How many of you have heard of Demosthenes? Four and a...
My name is Smina Zahar. I am doing Environmental Polices in an International Context. I am a science technician at Salford University. And an Open University student. I originally started studying...
I'm James Ladyman, Professor of Philosophy at the University of Bristol. My name's Samir Okasha, I'm Professor of Philosophy of Science in the Philosophy Department, University...
I sometimes feel my intellect and my mind is the same because they seem to be giving the same answer but there are so many times there is so much difference between these two, my intellect and my...
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Hi. Good morning. Today I'll be talking about shoe thinking or guys in heels. Not so difficult to see but in the next 15 minutes, I shall discuss shoes and how they help in solution-seeking -...