Subtitles downloaded from Once upon a time, a long, long time ago, there was a mystical city... ...Tar. And at that time, all the cities were intact and flourishing. Because the...
La historia de un arcoiris no es tan agradable (Now a rainbow's tale isn't quite as nice~) como la historia que conociamos de especias y azucares (As the story we knew of sugar and...
LA DISPUTA DE LOS COLORES. Anónimo. Un día los colores del mundo empezaron a discutir entre ellos, ya que cada uno pretendía ser el mejor, el más importante, el más bello, el más útil y favorito de...
(Image Source: Wikimedia Commons) 

“The Boot of Europe” is in the international spotlight — and not just for the election of the new Pope. Former Italian...
Huaca Arcoiris by TravelPod member bmareschal Huaca Arcoiris from outside by TravelPod member bmareschal My Chimu friends by TravelPod member bmareschal This place is huge! by TravelPod member...
[Goober] What's up guys this is Goober13 and welcome to my Simpson's Hit and Run Halloween special! Today I'm going to be giving you guys a sneak peek showcase of level 7 uhm,...
Specialists continuously insist on the fact that tropical and equatorial forest ecosystems play a key role in balancing the planet. They are complex ecosystems that, due to their temperature and...
This is Bizcocho. Bizcocho is tiny. Bizcocho is cinnamon colored. Bizcocho, it's time to go to sleep. Woof! Woof! Bizcocho wants to play. Bizcocho, it's time to go to sleep. Woof!...

