FLAG ANALYSIS So we look now at the poem of ‘Flag’, excellent poem, very concise. So we look at the structure. Opening with a question in each stanza is very powerful because that obviously just...
POPPIES ANALYSIS Hello and welcome to another tutorial video. What we’re going to be looking at now is the poem ‘Poppies’. So we start off with enjambment and that’s really powerful here because it...
The River God Analysis Using SMILE – AQA Poetry (GCSE English Literature) We move on then to the “The River God”, which is quite an interesting poem. I should tell you before I even start that this...



Hello welcome to another tutorial video. This time we’re going to be looking at Bayonet Charge, which hopefully will close the conflict cluster for us. So we start off then with structure and we’re...
CONFLICT POETRY COMPARISONS Hello, welcome to another tutorial video. So in light of the requests, I’ve actually made a comparison list of the Conflict poems, which ones can be compared with other...
THE RIGHT WORD ANALYSIS Hello, welcome to another tutorial video. This is an excellent poem – ‘The Right Word’ – mainly because it gets us thinking about language and the words we use. So even though...
POETRY ESSAY PARAGRAPHING TUTORIAL So what we’re going to be looking at here is the writing paragraphs for your poetry response. So I’ve been getting a lot of messages about this, so I think it’s...
APPROACHING AN UNSEEN POEM Welcome back. So now we’re going to be looking at some stock phrases we can use within our unseen poem. Hopefully we already know that what we’re going to be doing is...
Ozymandias Analysis Using SMILE – AQA Poetry (GCSE English Literature) The next poem will be looking at is “Ozymandias”. It’s a great poem by Shelley; a bit of a classic and then some. We will look...
Checking Me Out History Analysis Using SMILE – AQA Poetry (GCSE English Literature) So we turn into an interesting poem called “Checking Out Me History”, which is very interesting. The structure,...

