Erik: How has your pursuit of health and wellness activities improved your sense of well-being? Matt: Boy, when I first got out of college I sure did enjoy eating large bowls of cereal and I enjoyed...
Before I even got out of the Air Force, I had started really struggling with anxiety attacks and sleeplessness and fears. Getting out of the military was interesting and exciting. That maybe presented...
Hi. My name is Carol Squires and I’m a social worker with the National Institutes of Health. Today we’re going to be doing deep breathing exercises that hopefully will be helping with your anxiety....
Hello, my name is Denise Thew. I am a psychologist here. Hi, my name is Wyatte Hall. I am a sixth-year Clinical Psychology Ph.D. student working with Dr. Thew. We are excited to announce a group...
This past March, two recent, yet separate, incidents of airline crew members having emotional outbursts happened. The first involved a flight attendant having a near-hysterical breakdown, insisting...



KENDRA: She needs to break out of her skin. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. Just dropped off Kendra at Jessica's photo shoot. This is ridiculous. Make her drive. I don't know if I'm...
I love how all-- like your Richard Madden voice is the same as chairs-- No, here's my Richard Madden voice. Also, it's all Ringo Starr. My Richard Madden voice is, dude, thank you...
how to stop panic attacks panic away... 0 mmm mmm mmm mmm theme my name is Mary month in and month creator Panic Away program panic we program is designed to accomplish two specific goals stop panic...
Repertoire. Speech. Volume. Presentation. The RSVP, RSVP, RSVP, RSVP. The RSVP Public Speaking Tip. Wooooo! Hi RSVP students. I'm Amanda, and for this week's Tip of the Week...



I struggle to form sentences sometimes. I just can't see the end of it. I begin to wonder when I look at people observe them, stare at them. We are all just an instrument of observation Most...