I must go back with money at any cost. Forget everything fortonight and sIeep peacefuIIy. I'II convince Seth and show you a new dawn. StiII in bed? - I got up earIy. I taIked to Seth, he...



If someone faIIs from top, he wiII get scared. But onIy an infant wiII Iaugh. He trusts that his mother wiII sureIy catch him. Parents uItimate goaI is to keep their chiIdren's trust. And...
Are you stepping on the mud or burning coal? lt is sticky mud. My feet will get dirty. O Yes. lt gets stuckto your feet. You... lf l get angry l'll make you mix a heap of mud. You should love...
I've booked everything. Even Videocon fridge. Videocon is the company's name. In ''Mysore Bajji'' you won't find Mysore in it. SimiIarIy, you...
Mon coeur c'est arrêté plusieurs fois, je me suis fâchée ! Mon coeur c'est arrêté plusieurs fois, je me suis fâchée ! Mon amour ne m'obéit pas, il ne m'obéit pas ! Je...
iDream iDream iDream Oh no! Curd rice today too? Leader was very happy. After the meeting, you didn't come To the circuit house, did you? He hugged and congratulated me. lt was stunning!...
Dear. Son. How long will you sleep? Get up. Oh, God! Oh, God! My little kid is sleeping and you're shouting? l am not shouting. - Then? - l am waking him up. Really? As if you are waking up...
Though l've laid many conditions, you still love me so much. You bloody old wag! - Oh my God! No dear... You want to deny me getting this ProPerty, right?- Not with that intention......
Vijayawada - Gandhi nagar Hubby, you remember it, right? Today is Friday. - So what? No schooI bus today, drop him at schooI and go to office. How do I appear to you? Why do you teII me aII this to an...
Uncle! Parcel 7 plates of idli, vada and dosa. Are they beating up Bhargav? Brother! Stop! Stop! Why are they chasing you? - Nothing, just like that. Nothing? They're carrying sticks....