It's been so long since we heard from any offended Muslims I was beginning to think that they had come to their senses and realised that nobody outside the media bubble gives a damn how they...
the missouri state legislature passed a bill banning the implementation of agenda twenty one now uh... e those of you watch the show on a regular basis probably already know that but uh... allow me to...
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now we're going to miss universe uh... who uh... is apparently of questionable intellect line of this comes in large shocked everybody uh... and has this of this that are not that price...
welcome to take action to david shuster thus is guess as executor please retain your marrinson studio today the last week a vicious ruby on paternity leave june twenty second twenty thirteen while of...
sue start writing that uh... to make it uh... somewhat amusing austin route one of the company in austin mn is of seat and the catholic family in human rights institute of all things...
that's absolutely unfair of brought to you by throats grew on the senator bill catherine uh... in uh... hennessey's a state senator has proposed a new law many sharia law in tennessee...
tim Huelskamp is a scare a republican from Kansas and he's going to tell you against a equal rights for gay americans of course why because it's marriage which him I blow these guys...
we've been covering the incredibly anti-gay laws in Russia I'm particularly in the context that the upcoming Olympics and died in terms of the reaction that they're getting...
so interview there's these mass protest rain at least two thousand people showed up for the most recent one per good reason there's two issues that are significant one is that the...