well there's rumors out of there that Vanessa Hudgens had naked pictures on the internet we have found them we have found them uh and now TMZ is confirming it is her all right jesus you ready...
Every show has two dogs, or two cats, or two rats, because just like the humans, in case one were to become ill, we'd have to have a backup. [MUSIC] Hi, Bill Berloni, theatrical animal...
COMM: With their protruding snouts and long sticky tongues, the anteater might not be everyone's first choice as a pet. COMM: But here in Oregon USA, Angela Goodwin believes they make the...
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Today we're here to celebrate the installation of Fuel Call. And we'd like to thank Atlas and Marathon Oil for taking the steps to put in a system like this to help drivers with...



[children laughing, shouting] [upbeat folksy music] male announcer: There are many ways to tap into the cultural zeitgeist of YouTube and see what people are watching, looking for, talking about, and...
Guys this is the digivice from the original digivice we will going to feed our pet, do not want because it is full. then we will going to train it Failed Failed again I did well there I did well again...
Alex: I'm Alex Larenty. I work at the South African Lion Park just outside Johannesburg in South Africa, and we're going to get up close and personal with some big lions with a GoPro....