Juliet's mother has ordered Juliet to marry "Paris", the parental choice for her. Juliet does not tell Lady Capulet that she has already married Romeo. Act 2 Scene 4: In...
Today, January 22, eminent ballet choreographer Mr. George Balanchine was born in 1904 in St. Petersburg, Russia. Considered one of the greatest choreographers in the history of ballet, Mr. Balanchine...
Si`, morir ella de'! Sul nome mio scritta l'infamia impunemente avra`,? Chi un Badoe`r tradi` non puo` sperar pieta`!... Se ier non la ghermi` nell'isola fatal questa mia man,...



Vinga va, vine! Apa, som-hi! Hostia tio, com pesa... Ja en tenia ganes, eh! Ho portes? La beguda i tot allò? És aquí. Vaig a davant. D'acord. Quina merda tant de bolet i tanta... Va! Treu-me...



hi, um I'm doing a recording of my piano pieces wait there a sec, I'm gonna play it. why thank you oh thank you indeed I was good wasn't I well I certanly was hi again! you...
Hundreds of grenades! Brattle of the battle! Look, that devilish guest! Halt, I say, halt! Oh God, it's Trenck! Oh God, save us all! Oi, Trenck! Oi, Trenck! We fought with trepidation! Oi,...
GROVER: Hello, there. It is I, your cute and furry little ballet dancer, Grover. And I am here with my friends, Lorna-- LORNA: Hi. GROVER: And Lorena. LORENA: Hello. Yes. And we are here to tell you...
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Here's the scoop. If you can understand your friends' body piercings, you can figure out the symbols in any novel on this planet. More on that—next. A symbol is something that...
And in cultural news,... the Korean National Ballet is now staging its own rendition of Don Quixote . The ballet company has updated some of the original 144-year-old choreography to give it a more...