Spiritually Centered in that abbreviated but mama non-minority and then a little more than ever now see the hurricane on the strip so i was prepared for something very unusual but i certainly was not...
WOMAN's DUTY OF REDEMPTION I simply believe that in these moments women have displaced men. They have him under their dominion and complete command. To this can be added that the male sex has...
Hello everyone. Today I'm going to talk to you all about a passion subject for me, divine masculine and divine feminine. This subject provokes so much confusion. Now we understand that...
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The most common understanding of transgender people which actually bears some resemblance to reality is that we felt we had the incorrect body from a very young age, we experience significant and...
hi welcome to another episode of sassy syndicalist my name is emma please subscribe to my channel for weekly perspectives on issues from a nuanced analysis. I was going to talk about decriminalization...
In answering some of the questions that are directed to us via our e-mail list, one of the very prevalent questions is, “What is ascension?”. The term is bandied about a lot, but what does it...



Let us find out today who is the real power behind government. My brothers and sisters of light, the answer may surprise you, it is you. I am very well aware that even though the higher echelons of...



We are...We worked as an artistic team which is something that we think has also something to do with feminism. Somehow, working collaboratively for us is a way for questioning authorship as something...