The Therapy Room Cambridge offers a wide choice of therapist and therapy, in order to provide as many options as possible for our clients and patients. For those who know who they would like to see,...
Down the river by TravelPod member phillipsb1 Part of one of the colleges by TravelPod member phillipsb1 And again by TravelPod member phillipsb1 Little duckies everywehre by TravelPod member...
Andrew, I’ve heard that the Bribery Act is just a codification of existing laws. Is that the case? Well, it’s correct to a certain extent. It’s true to say that the first thing the Bribery Act does...
Think House is our in-house lawyer forum. It’s an opportunity for in-house lawyers to get together and learn or share experiences. The content of Think House is entirely driven by the feedback from a...
Mark Greenburgh: With me now is Sarah Sasse, a partner in our commercial contracts team, specialising in public sector. Sarah has just completed a secondment at the cabinet office, where she was...
David Lowe: Andrew, what I think is quite interesting in contract law is about how every year it’s not as if we have a radical new case that radically changes the law. Quite the contrary, most the...
David Lowe: Contract law is really important to all companies, a really important way to secure value and an essential way to manage risk and liabilities that arises from those trading relationships....
David Lowe: Andrew the thing I spend most of my time helping people negotiate contracts is on liability, and a lot of that time spent discussing with the other party “what is indirect...
(Michael) Boilerplate appears in most contracts, but is often ignored. I’ll be asking David Lowe why we shouldn’t ignore it. David, what is boilerplate and what is it for? (David) Boilerplate are the...
Andrew Smith: So David RTS Flexible and Muller. The interesting thing about this case I think is unlike in Trebor Bassett, where the parties just didn’t want to negotiate they just wanted to lob...