>> Okay. Welcome back and what we're going to do is for this part of this week is to look at a short video on Phoenician history. [ Silence ] So what you see here on this scene...
In the Roman Forum by TravelPod member gillianlewis196 In the Roman Forum again by TravelPod member gillianlewis196 And again by TravelPod member gillianlewis196 His and Hers t shirts on a double date...



~ Cincinnatus: Ancient Roman Hero ~ Lucius Quinctius (519 - 430 BCE) was a Roman citizen. He was called Cincinnatus, or the curly-haired. Cincinnatus was a Roman consul in 460 and Roman dictator in...



Hello, folks, today we're going to learn about one of the most impactful ancient civilizations of all time Ancient Rome; they were huge, it did huge things and a greater their eyes the harder...



Doom of Ancients From the beginning of time the feared Regnan pirates... lived in the vicinity of the mysterious Dark Elves. The pirates and elves kept a fragile truce. The pirates ruled the Empire of...
12 sided stone by TravelPod member livtajim Another Incan wall by TravelPod member livtajim Cusco evening by TravelPod member livtajim Loreto Street...Incan walls by TravelPod member livtajim On the...



DR. BARREIRO: Our next presentation by Clifford Schexnayder and Christine Fiori is on Road Construction Technology in the High Cordillera. Christine Fiori is the Associate Director of the Myers-Lawson...
For those of you who are just starting to learn about the history of China in the first half of the 20th century, it can be a little bit confusing. So the goal of this video is really to give you an...
The Barren Landsacpe Outside Cusco by TravelPod member globetrekker Driving Through Corao, Perú by TravelPod member globetrekker Young Peruvian Girl and Her Prized Llama by TravelPod member...
Abdeshmun, did you go to Tyre today? No, the King of Tyre closed the crossing He's supported by the Persian King The King of Byblos also closed the crossing He's supported by Alexander...

