"DRIED APPLES VS. CHOLESTEROL" Dried fruit is convenient, packed with nutrition, but which ones are the best? Here's raisins. Now this is per serving, per ounce, not per cup...
"Optimal Phytosterol Dose" If our enterocyte trash recovery bins are half filled with phytosterols, might vitamins get crowded out too? We didn't know until last year. But...
"AMLA VERSUS DIABETES" Dripping plant extracts on cancer cells in a test tube is a far cry from testing whole foods on whole people. Another amla study published recently, though,...
"Eggs and Diabetes" Type 2 diabetes is becoming a world pandemic. We know the consumption of eggs is related to the development of some other chronic diseases... what about diabetes?...
"Don't Use Antiseptic Mouthwash" How do they know that it's the nitrate that's responsible for the beet-related boost in athletic performance? Beets have all...
"Fast Food: Do You Want Fries With That? Lipitor?" Why go to the bother of changing one's diet, when you could just take a pill? In fact, they could just hand them out at the...
"STOOL SIZE MATTERS" The bigger our bowel movements, the healthier we may be. The risk of low stool weight includes bowel cancer, diverticular disease, appendicitis, various anal...
"IGF-1 As One-Stop Cancer Shop" Why do centenarians escape cancer? (People who live to be over a hundred years old.) As we get older, our risk of getting and dying from cancer grows...