This is Vicki Walker for Expert Village. We have our valance put together front and back. We have pressed our seams, we have sewn the side seams, we have pressed them as well to have a nice clean edge...
To do the fluted column stitch, start by ignoring the square stitches on the sides and just make a wall stitch. So we'll start by bringing the top strand down, and then bring the bottom strand...
In honor of the victims of the Boston Marathon Tragedy, I've made this Boston Marathon Memorial Ribbon lanyard with 2 black pieces of gimp. I wanted to show you how to make this. The lanyard...
Hello, today I'd like to show you how to make a jumping rope for your American Girl doll. Okay what you will need to do it is a spool knitter. You'll need some glue, some yarn and I...
For the finishing stitch we'll take both sides and turn them 180 degrees. Then we're going to join our two square stitch sides together by making them into a wall stitch again. So,...



The Bi-Colored Cobra is very similar to the Regular Cobra. The difference is that with the Bi-Colored Cobra you use three pieces of gimp instead of two, and they start and end slightly differently....
To join two pieces and yarn using the magic knot method, you're going to take your working yarn, which here it's the blue yarn, and the new yarn that you're introducing, which...
Here's how to purl. This time you want the yarn in front of you. I usually make sure it's kind of draped over my hand and in front. You're going to go into the stitch from the...



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Today, I'm going to show you how to make The Helicopter. The Helicopter is actually a variation on the Father Cobra Lanyard. This lanyard will be a lot easier to make if you already know how...

