Bob Peterson from Minnesota writes this, the winters where I live can be really long, and really I'm concerned about my vitamin D intake, what should I do? Does it really make a difference?...
obesity is a major risk factor for type 2 diabetes And we have a major problem worldwide but particularly here in Alabama Since Alabama falls into the obesity and diabetes belt type 2 is caused...
>> I would just flop down on the sofa. My heart was just racing. Just lie there, close my eyes, and just hope that the moment would pass. And it usually took several hours before it...



The first step to figuring out if the thyroid is functioning fine or not is actually doing a blood test. The usual way of looking at that blood test is counter-intuitive because that blood test is a...
Hello, my name is Lisa Richardson, and I’m an oncologist and medical officer at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. I’m pleased to speak with you today as part of the CDC Expert Video...
Abu Ahmad (Murad) the Rap Shakespeare, its T-A-M-E-R from Dam I dedicate this song to me when I was 18 Ahaa, who's joining the ride? I push the pedal to the floor and fly I never carry my...


annotations Find the best Aniracetam from Absorb Health. Absorb Health is committed to bringing the highest quality nootropics to people at the most reasonable prices. Available with...
¿Cual es la molécula no. 1 que necesitas para mantener la salud? Hola soy el Dr Mark Hyman bienvenidos ¿Porque la mayoría nunca ha escuchado sobre esto? y porque parece secreto esto que ayuda en...

