I think I am really easygoing. Well... as I was about halfway through that sentence, I thought, 'No, actually you're really picky.' But the things I ask for are really simple to do.
I'm interested in stories. I think I'm a bit of a pathfinder.
We have to keep an eye on the future with a sense of the past in every passing moment of the present.
My earliest childhood memory is watching the sunlight through a jar of amber full of wasps.
I think the most destructive thing is fear: when people don't want to say what they think.
You know that gap between where you are and where you'd like to be? Within that gap, there is an ache and an aspirational leap, which is very good for writing.
I think the artistic process comes from disorder. When you are happy, it's not always a feeling that you can identify. It's like a dog sitting in front of a fire. Pain isolates you, but it can also...
Couture has a power that ready-to-wear can never have; the attention of les petites mains as they sew; all that love and belief goes into the cloth. That's what you feel when you wear it.
At home, I love reaching out into that absolute silence, when you can hear the owl or the wind.