MATT SENATORE: Hi, this is Matt on behalf of Expert Village and today we're going to make our Spicy Spanish Patties. Hi, this is Matt Senatore and welcome to a new series called 60 Minute...
In today's episode, I'll share with you 5 foods that will make nutrition easy on the go. My name is Jeremiah. This video is an introduction to my blog post. If you like to read the...
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Hello Guys and welcome. Today I'm going to be talking about 5 natural fat burning foods. So what are fat burning foods? Fat burning foods are a type of food that contains nutrients, vitamins,...
(Dr. Karla Kennedy-Hagan). Hello. My name is Dr. Karla Kennedy-Hagan with the School of Family and Consumer Sciences at Eastern Illinois University. If you're feeling a little nutty, try out...
Hello, welcome to Cook with the Trainer! Our names are: Ela, Przemek. I am your personal trainer and dietitian. We will cook meals, that you might eat, however we will prepare them in a healthy way...
Hi everybody! Today we are making almond milk We make this quite often and it is actually really easy to make and it's really inexpensive to make too. You can go to the health food store and...
Homemade Pancakes Recipe - With Chocolate and Crushed Almonds Here is a simple recipe for homemade pancakes, which you can later fill with topping of your own choice. This is basic recipe and very...
You know what time it is? It's time to make some almond butter. All right, all we need is about two cups of almonds. Now, my favorite thing about almonds is it has lots and lots of benefits,...