Hi I am Alexander Greenwald and this is for PETA. Go vegetarian or vegan. Chicks love a vegetarian. I think as far as chicks go, chickens, there are a lot of horrendous things that go on. Prettyu much...
Hello my name is Matt Skiba, I play in the Alkaline Trio. I try and sing and I try and play guitar. I have been vegetarian for almost five years, I do not know exactly what year I think around 95 –...
[Simon] I have an appointment [Evil Doctor] grrr, this way child sit [Simon] Thank you Doctor you see it�s, it�s my back [Evil Doctor] Hahaha, sit child i'll see our problem is fixed [Simon]...
vice president biden is out there on the stump he's trying to they get voters to of of course vote for the bynoe bala taken twenty twelve pdt toward as a surrogate for a little bombing...
ÿØÿà JFIF , , ÿí ‚Photoshop 3.0 8BIM í Resolution , , 8BIM FX Global Lighting Angle x8BIM FX Global Altitude 8BIM ó Print Flags 8BIM Copyright Flag 8BIM' Japanese Print Flags 8BIM õ Color...



SWU Nation, do you know what day it is today? Look at your calendar, check it out, I'll wait, look. Today is Wednesday, July 13, Rock Day, my friend. What does Rock mean to you? Rock? Rock for...



Let's see if we can simplify this expression right over here and write it in scientific notation. So the first thing I want to do, well I already have parts of this expression that are written...



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Hey this is Micky from Maroon 5 and I am vegan. Just like a general affection for animals and a respect for all living things. Just having those sparks of interest actually led me to do some research....
You were lonely, I was lonely, too. I held you for long as I could. I was lonely, you were lonely, too. You held me as long as you could. And everything you took from me, you gave me that much more....