up to twenty percent of the population are now on psychotropic drugs people don't feel fulfilled so people complain boring because life is boring, life is boring,.. you are on a planet with...
you think you know the whole story suck my grits...shhhshhhshhit cunt, hoes, fuck it this is conspiracy theory fuck jesse ventura jesse's unleashed... fuck conspiracies, i'm gonna...



I am only one man. but I am a representation as all of you are regardless of your race, colour or creed of the human spirit. I am blasted by the responsibility I have I am humbled by the knowledge...
let's go to voicemail voicemail line two one nine two david p call anytime of day rivas avoid smell here is one talking about uh... the john kerry senate seat which is now going to be up for...



Hello, this is Ron Paul with your weekly update for December 6th. We may never know the whole story behind the recent publication of sensitive U.S. government documents by the Wikileaks organization,...
conspiracy theories in relation to the oklahoma tornado have already begun out there are targeted on chapters who believe that the u_s_ government manipulated the weather in order to create a...
all the worst although all of them alex jones now this ingenious was already calling the boston bombings of false flag conspiracy theory minutes after it happened brilliant alex let me tell you your...
by a ourselves aria i'm i'm not doing too good to me just talked about how congress does the spending bills that's truly why are they saying nato is now over military and...
yesterday alex jones who was on the piers morgan show help piers morgan c_n_n_ show lately has been known for piers morgan's gun control discussions and he has had all sorts of gun rights...