I'm Jason O'Bryan, I'm the president of the Buck Creek Muzzle Loaders at the Buck Creek Trade Fair and we've got vendors in from approximately six or seven states they...
What's your opinion on the subliminal images that are inserted into Kubrick's movie ? Could they be viewed as a betrayal towards the audience ? They see things they don't think...
fascinated with religion that community i would like to spend culture yes my presentation some of the wedding dinner police of fans uh... also that copies all dvd's disk loved him instead of...
In this video I'm going to explain how you can reduce the likelihood of provoking a defensive reaction in the opening part of your conversation by having a clear outcome that unites the two of...
Difficult conversations could happen anywhere and amongst any people and there are several things that are really important think about as you're preparing to have a difficult conversation....
David Roentgen designed this gaming table to suit the intimate interiors of late eighteenth-century aristocratic Europe. The table's small size and multiple configurations made it enormously...
[sound]. >> Stanford University. [sound] >> This class is an advanced level design class, where students get a chance to design and fabricate a chair. [sound] Chairs are...
>> Aled Lewis: Aled Lewis, Thermos Threadless ...Foam Monster. I would define myself as a graphic designer and illustrator. >> Interviewer: Tell me about some of the...
Hi. My name is Josh Lewis... and today I'm going to show you the simple steps to making an LED Throwie. So check it out, and I'll show it to you now. Before I start, though, I should...