Em algum lugar na Europa... e em algum ponto dos anos 80. Quando penso no meu ensino médio. Eu era... bem... um autentico e trágico desastre. Nessas horas ha sempre amigos que contradizem esta...
Em plena sexta–feira fui tentar me distrair Chegando na balada toda linda eu te vi Você no camarote e eu rodado no pedaço Caçando um jeitinho de invadir o seu espaço Não tenho grana, não tenho fama...
Esta mal, tenerte siempre junto a mi, un error, me hace ver todo lo que soy, fue real, resvalé y en tus brazos caí. Me venció, no hay nada que pueda hacer, y esta bien si significa estar junto a ti,...



Hola Todos! Bienvenido ¿Por qué inspiró? Probablemente te estés preguntando cómo se me ocurrió ese título Bueno, pasé por muchos nombres diferentes. Si su nombre es también Shelina me encantaría...



The idea of authorship is central to our understanding our society and our economy today. Yet the idea of the author only became popular in the past one or two hundred years. Before that it was not...
We're at the hill and we're going to do some handplants. What kind of handplants are we going to do Ralph? I think we're thinking the Andrecht. Oh the Andrecht. Now, if...
In this session we will learn about e notation. Just like scientific notation, e notation is used to put really large or really small numbers into the expression that can be easily understood and we...



Welcome to the Group 1 Crew Nation Now moving forward the Group 1 Crew Nation Our vision is bigger than it ever Ever has been, a band is me People ask: "What's Group 1 Crew now?...



Hello, I'm Marshall Chamberlain. I author the ancestor series of Adventure-Thrillers. I'm continuing these short clips to answer questions about my books. Many, many readers have asked...