>> JIM MARKEL: I was doing some research for keywords and I came across a little web site called 0:00:08.470,0:00:10.369 onebag.com 0:00:10.369,0:00:14.769 and I contacted the gentleman...
>> JIM MARKEL: While the Air Boss has been a very successful product for us, as it grew we started getting 0:00:09.350,0:00:11.559 some of them returned and we found that women...
Gabag adalah merk cooler bag atau thermal bag produksi Indonesia dengan kualitas yang tidak kalah dengan cooler bag impor dan harganya juga sangat terjangkau. Cooler bag ASI Gabag diproduksi dalam...
Hi. It's Mr. Andersen and this is chemistry essentials video 29. It's on synthesis and decomposition reactions. If I were to ask you which of the two reactions you see on the left is a...
Greetings fellow nerds. Normally to dry chemicals you just leave them out or heat them up. But some chemicals like this dysprosium nitrate are so hygroscopic that they continually absorb water from...
Hello and welcome How to Liveable tutorials! My YouTube channel where I create tutorials based on whatever I happen to be thinking about at the time. Today we're going to do a quick tutorial...
Preparativi per uno spettacolare crash-test a 72 km/h L’ADAC ha voluto testare se la prima moto al mondo dotata di airbag l’Honda Goldwing garantisca una maggiore sicurezza È stata scelta la...
Yo! Another Sean V Beat Jack. Haha... When I first heard this beat, I just wondered what I could spit. But then it hit me: ego trip. Uh. Okay I'm classic: I got class hits, I got mass tits. On...
You can do the experiment of a hot air balloon inside your home. All you need is a toaster and a thin walled garbage bag, 30 cms by 60 cms. This is a toaster with two vertical wires, to hold the bag....

