We are a merge of a lot of companies, so we have a lot of systems, complex applications, and OutSystems makes a difference in this scenario. It helps because we are investing in a SOA Platform, so we...
In this lesson we'll see how to take advantage of static entities to create look-up tables. We'll add a new static entity. New static entity. So click "add static...
in this lesson we will see how to use CSS to make our customer support application more appealing let me start by going into the issue description and I will set here the issue ID to bold and to do...
We had to launch Home Energy in a very short timeframe. From May 2008, when the company was created with one employee, to January 2009, where we had a national live launch, with almost 100 employees....
In this demo we will show you how you can control access to your IT resources. Let's consider Peter Mann. Peter has a set of security settings that control what he can do in the Agile...
I can release it now the block is gone. I removed all obstacles in my way. Done are the value cards prioritized. It's gonna be a bright (bright) bright (bright) release today. It's...
My name is Benson Agbortogo and I am so excited to present to you my new book, The Business System That Never Fails. My passion is teaching entrepreneurs to build their business on a wise foundation...
Erik: What criteria did you use when considering an international expansion? Richard: When we first launched, we launched with Flickr, they are our first partner, and Flickr had -- Flickr is an...
In this lesson we will see how to validate user inputs in the client side. If the input does not comply with the database specification an error is displayed to the user and no request is made to the...
This is a mini-tutorial, covering the topic of Accessible Multimedia Testing Third Party Content The most important thing to consider when testing third party content multimedia for accessibility, is...