[ Silence ] >>Lisa Binder: Thank you. Thank you all so very much for coming today. Thanks to Annette for that wonderful introduction, and for inviting us to participate in this public...
This is a small cloth for a female. You wear it in this way. They open her legs and pull the cloth back... ..and cover their body this way. The other one for the blouse, and the other one for the...
In the Ashanti region of Ghana, kente cloth is a great status symbol, marking your wealth and in the past, your office - something to be worn on important occasions and by important people. As the art...
The dye for the cloth is produced from kuntun kruni, the roots from the kuntu plant. First, 12 buckets of water for one barrel. Add 25 sticks of the root and put into the barrel. In the next two days,...
Both Adinkra and Kente makers sell locally. They often negotiate requirements with a local buyer. And he knows the meaning of the symbol, so he choose only four symbols. This is genomic, with that god...
[music] Aimee: It was an opportunity for us to really apply the African-centered approach that we use, because African people have always used images to speak, whether it be hieroglyphics from ancient...



[music] Maria: Stretch is similar to first-year writing classes in that traditionally it was a one-semester course and in one semester you had to learn all your basic reading, critical thinking and...
Neil Rowes is a dairy farmer in rural Oxfordshire. This farm is an organic farm, and we have a herd of about 100 brown Swiss cows. We also have a herd of suckler cows producing beef, and we grow about...
Adinkra is a printed fabric, hand-made and worn mainly for funerals, which are very important celebrations in Ghana, according to Koja Foso. The adinkra fabric is carefully printed in graphic symbols...
We need to ask this question of any medium, in order to understand what is easily done and what is difficult, skilled, expensive, innovative. We can't hope to understand what kente is unless...