The Dream Builder Live event was so amazing this is the second time that I have been here and the teaching that comes out of Mary every time it just gets better and better and really the stream of...
Are you struggling to get financing for your business? Are traditional bank loans and credit cards no longer an option? Has your business hit a financial wall? Even when sales are going well,...
Phenomenal, what I realized the last time I was here, two months ago in April, that I needed to really stay inside the teaching to really benefit from the information because my paradigms like...
Are you a spiritually minded professional Seeking to make a difference in the lives of others? Do you feel like now with your time to really build your dream? This DreamBuilder live event is really...
Now er ... Just a few words about the objects that these three things describe. When I began talking about geometry I [...] a line. A line as a geometric object, as a curve. And then algebraically we...
Dr. Fassnacht's lecture provided an overview of snow and its influence on hydrology. One of his main points was that the variability in snowpack characteristics such as depth and density, in...



The 369 quotes that were written at Facebook in 2012 were provided for you. They're meant to keep you positive, your spirits high with an uplifting attitude, and they're going to be...
Subtitles by DramaFever Acting has some craziness, some exhibitionism. - That's it, grow. Grow. - I can't! You left me because I'm ugly. Hey, I'm sorry, are you...
Welcome to this fifth lecture on this n p-tel course on fluid mechanics for undergraduate students in chemical engineering in the last lecture, we discussed the basic difference between newtonian...
Well, this should be the final segment of this lecture, human success and failure in reasoning. Well, philosophers such as Aristotle as well as psychologists like Piaget have assumed that humans are...

