I'm sonic and with my buddy's help were gonna get eggmaaaaan He thinks he's so freaking smart but he just can't understaaaaaand With my super speed and his two tails,...
Now, we can start this stage so that we can beat it alright! Soon, time will come for me to pull you around, in flight! Once then twice come the he-eroes! Both of us, to save the day! It is now time...
As salamu `alaykum Jadi ini bagian berikutnya adalah interpretasi sedikit dari khotbah perpisahan Nabi kita Shalallahu alaihi wa sallam Bismillah (Dengan nama Allah) Bayangkan khotbah terbaik di...
Bahasa Indonesia



Satu Dua Tiga! Kenyentet, nane.. *Genitnya sekarang* Ini lagu tentang sebuah nama... Kata orang udin nama kampungan... Jadi lagu enak juga didengar... Kalau nggak percaya simak dengan seksama... Udin...



- Arriva 'sta Bruna e... - Bastona il can che affoga Vomita tutto. Per quanto riguarda quella povera ragazza non me ne frega niente neanche di lei perché, se una persona nasce difettosa è...



mas é claro que eu não acho que precisamos de nada desse tipo pra nos comunicar. Claro, se eu fosse fazer isso, teria que encontrar uma linguagem que todos entendem na minha opinião seria a música....



With some advice for kids on how to spot predators, here's "Boys Beware" with Judy Gold. Jimmy is going home from the park. Jimmy: You going my way? Judy: Oh, hitchhiking,...



- Look, this is your workplace. - Thank you. - You're welcome. Sit down, please. Now, we activate. - What colour is that? - Red - Good - And this? - Green - Good, very good Then now you will...
Tower service - Get out of the way! Attention, unsafe tower! Move out! Move out! - Clear up the way, yellow flag! Imminent danger! tapioca therapy with the gobbledygook quarantine. - Holy Mary, The...



By now, you've probably heard the buzz about online video. Businesses of all sizes are starting to use them, from your favorite corner coffee shop to the big company down the street....