We share an office, and nobody could believe that. ‘You work together, you live together, and you want to share an office together? Are you guys crazy?’ I consider myself to be a very, very lucky...
(Image source: Cult Of Mac) 

Apple overtook Samsung in the fourth quarter for the top spot in the U.S. phone market. It’s the first time the company has done so...
(Image source: Elite Daily) BY JASMINE BAILEY Rumors about the iPhone 5S just keep on ringing in — and the latest? Fingerprint recognition. That's definitely something we haven't seen...
(Image source: SlashGear)


Apple fans aren’t the only ones who mark their calendars when a new iPhone is on the way.

An anonymous employee somewhere within...
Kelly by sage sanki global seeking yes some pretty when she don't win today sanki global tonight met some wesat some sanki global from the great effect place at hello hi love how now almost...
alright guys Um... how are you guys doing? Um my name is Skarlett also known as Megan and man it has been a long time since I've done a video.. so I'm Um... I'm I apologize for...
(Image source: Softpedia) BY EVAN THOMAS ANCHOR CANDICE AVILES New developments in the Apple-Samsung trial — it could have never happened. New evidence indicates Apple was willing to cut a deal with...
Recently Gov. Mark Dayton signed a law amending Minnesota statute 364. This is a significant piece of legislation. What it does is it expands what it currently prohibits government employers from...
There is more than enough holy ash, why dont you use more. If we use everything today, what will you do for tomorrow. hm.. your standard reply for eveything I am going to park Which park ? The usual...
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