[MUSIC IN] ANNOUNCER: Una boca saludable para su bebé. Un mensaje de los Institutos Nacionales de la Salud del Departamento de Salud y Servicios Humanos de los Estados Unidos. Los dientes saludables...



Politicians are good at making promisses. Strong and reliable protections for our consumers. Our nation has made a promise to America's seniors. But don't the central planners see the...
BABY SWEATER BACK AND FRONT R1: ch 52 R2: 50 hdc R3: 50 hdc (1 Front post hdc, 1 back post hdc, 1 front post hdc, 1 back post hdc, etc) R4: 50 hdc (1 Front post hdc, 1 back post hdc, 1 front post hdc,...
In this tutorial learn how to do a never ending card. material cardboard of 2 colors or just 1, ruler, scissors pencil, glue stick or double-sided tape to decorate: stickers, markers, pictures, etc..,...