My name is Kara Allen and I’m a senior manager in the Salesforce practice at Perficient. I split my time between managing a team of consultants and solution architects as well as delivering my own...



"Music-Carmen Ohio" Tradition, Excellence, History. Since 1870, Ohio State has established all three. So I asked a couple students around campus To me, it means a lot. I've...



Welcome to an Introduction to Office 365 In this presentation I'll be covering the following topics: I'll give you an explanation of what Office 365 is I'll give you an...



I Love My Land (MeetingLife Journal Project) My name's Chiara, I'm 25 and I've always loved diaries. The main reason why the MeetingLife Journal Project impressed me so much....
The earth is different from all other planets in many ways. But one way in particular is that we experience rain. The question is: What do you do on a rainy day? Do you stay indoors and mope about all...



How are things looking from your side? Not bad. The planning slipped a little during phase 1 but we just about finished on schedule. The planning slipped a little during phase 1 but we just about...



What's the latest position? We had a meeting with the team leaders yesterday and reviewed progress to date. We had a few delays at the start but we've managed to get back on track....
Let’s take a look at Branding in Smartsheet Using your company's brand allows you to use Smartsheet as an extension of your business. Or by using your client's brand, you can offer...
this is a reply to this video Display Android screen on your Mac computer enabling ADB executable path on Droid@screen. In order to establish a connection to a device this application uses the Android...