Another failure. Get up. Tommy? You're not going to die down here. Tommy, I'm sorry. I let you die. You didn't let me die, Ollie. You fought to save me. Because that's...
Previously on <i>The Client List...</i> Come on. Let's give daddy his presents. I'll bring my gift next time I come over. Didn't have time to shop....
<font color="#ffff00" size=14></font> <font color=#00FF00>* The Client List 1x01 *</font> <font...
Previously on <i>The Client List...</i> <font color="#ffff00" size=14></font> Oh, we shouldn't do...



<i>Previously on The Client List</i> <font color="#ffff00" size=14></font> Riley: Kyle left me, and I have...



<font color="#ffff00" size=14></font> Previously on <i>The Client List...</i> I don't think you...
Previously on <i>The Client List...</i> <font color="#ffff00" size=14></font> 90% of what we do here is...
<font color="#ffff00" size=14></font> Previously on <i>The Client List...</i> Kyle: I don't think...