Vous connaissez les commandants de bord. Oui! Ces hommes et ces femmes qui sont à la tête d'un navire, d'un bateau, d'un petit avion d'un avion de ligne. Alors est-ce...



ፍቅር በጎ ነገርን ማረግ ብቻ አይደልም። ፍቅር ሕግን ማክበር ብቻ አይደልም። ፍቅር ከመታገሥ እና ቸርነትንም ከማረግ መላይ ነው፤ እንደዛ ነው ሲራመድ እና ሲናገር፣ ነገር ግን ፍቅር ይሄ አይደልም። ፍቅር እጅግ ፍላጎት ነው። ጥያቄ ልጠይቃችሁ፥ ለእግዚአብሔር ፍቅር አላችሁ? እጅግ ትፈልጉታላችሁ? ለሱ እጅግ ምኞት...
(Ray Comfort) Who was John Lennon? (female) He was one of the Beatles. For me, John Lennon is alive. Brilliant in his own right. - How did he die? - I don't know. He shot himself with a...
i'd like to tell you about the strangest secret in the world some years ago the late nobel prize winning doctor albert schweitzer was being interviewed in london for the reporter asked him...
Zouk Dance Course With this course I want you to teach how to Zouk Zouk is couple dance So, don't hesitate to stay close to you partner Step one: Zouk Cannelle (Cinnamon or Sweet Zouk) Very...
- I can't help if I'm Misanthrope... - In life, as you're forced to mingle with other human beings, as I don't want to ... - And people, such assholes... - With the...
Bonjour à toutes et à tous, Je m'appelle Benjamin et j'ai décidé de rejoindre Sylvain pour la nouvelle marche vers Jérusalem. Hello to you and everyone, my name is Benjamin and i...
PATRICK PICHETTE: So good afternoon or good day, everybody. My name is Patrick Pichette, and we have really a unique opportunity today, an exclusive interview with the Prime Minister, and by...
Hello everyone, my name is Manal Al-Sharif and I'm from Saudi Arabia. I'd like to talk about two chapters in my life. I'll start with chapter one. Chapter one in my life tells...