Hello. It's Laurel again. The fashion expert. We are on our last type or style of platform shoe right now. I'm going to show you how to do, this again is my name for it, but I just...
>> Housing is one of those not only economic but very emotional things. Meslow put it at number 3. You've got water, food, shelter. We all go home to a house. We all recognise...
Hello, and welcome to a Solopress Papercraft Tutorial. In this tutorial we are going to create a paper craft an Easter Zombie Bunny. For your equipment list you will need, a ruler, a glue stick, a...
I'm Bruce Marshall, and I'm going to show you how to dress for a disco. Now as you can see as demonstrated here on our lovely model Kata, you can never be too hot when it comes to...
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <opml version="1.0"> <head> <title>Limbs...
I grew up seeing my parents, their friends, and my grandparents constantly discussing education, and different ways to improve it to help reduce sufferings of Deaf children. There were a lot of thing...
You have your own library, preppie. Would you answer my question? Would you answer mine first? Look, we're allowed to use The radcliffe library. I am not talking legality, preppie. I'm...
So does style matter when you're talking about what makes a vintage bicycle valuable. It does, but within each style category prices there is great overlap in price unless you're...
Hello, this is XboxAhoy and this is the thirty-seventh episode of my Black Ops 2 Weapon Guide. This time, we're covering the Ballistic Knife. Returning from the first Black Ops, this...
Sometimes you want impeccable images with super soft skin. But a nice effect on black and white photos is to add a bit of noise to them, something like a film grain. To do that, first let’s make this...