Hello in this tutorial I show you how to make a surprise box, where you can put sweets, chocolates or a small gift Material cardboard of the color you want, ruler, pencil and eraser, crease-tool,...
Hi! Today we'll make this nice heart card using homemade stamps stay with me and subscribe to my channel first transfer the design I give you in my website to an eraser click right now on your...
<!DOCTYPE html> <!-- saved from url=(0104)https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=3783194432895&set=a.1319535602964.38205.1668003113&type=1&theater...
Ok, Tal vez conozcan esta... Días llenos de alegría, Y días llenos de tristeza No sabes que hacer ¿Estás feliz hoy? ¿Estarás sola manana? Todo depende de tí Y has estado esperando Que los ángeles...
Eco Divino Today's reflection is taken from the Gospel of Mark. What comes out of man is what makes him unclean, and this is true, one has to take responsibility for who you are, and often...
[LOUD CROWD] [GUNSHOTS] [LOUD CROWD] Man 1: Look! They caught one. Man 2: Yes, they caught someone. Man 1: They don't even let them speak. [LOUD CROWD] [GUNSHOTS] [LOUD CROWD] [GUNSHOTS] Man...
Eco Divino Today's reflection is taken from the Gospel of Luke, the very hairs of our head are numbered! What does God say this?, That God made us that we are the work of God, that our life is...
Eco Divino February 15, 2012 Today's reflection is taken from Don Santiago, and says: implement the Word of God! I can I ask, I do not do that in church on Sunday because it gives me pain...
Eco Divino, Feb 14, 2013 Today's reflection is taken from the Gospel of Luke, and whoever loses his life will save it. We always have conflicts with this, because we always think that God is...
Wednesday February 12, 2014 , with 09:56 minutes mean I expected them chivicoy on February 10, 2014 went to Burundi Africa then I want you to see , where is , down here is Burundi Ecuador redness this...