Here in Korea, people awoke up to one of the coldest days ever. Temperatures are averaging around negative 16-degrees Celsius... with morning temperatures in some areas reaching negative 18-degrees....
I think it's over there. There's another one over there. We were certain that there were lions near us. After a week of searching the lion family, we found three female lions taking...
Number 8. The value of total energy inputs. Why Gold went up some 20 bucks an ounce; I don't know, cause its scarced. Thousand men were start searching for Gold, after six months one of them...
העלא און באַגריסן צו טאַד ס קיך. מאַרשמאַללאָווס ביסט איינער פון יענע טריץ אַז אַלעמען האט געפרוווט אָבער וואָלט איר גלויבן איר קענען מאַכן זיי אין דיין אייגן היים און מאַכן זיי טעם בעסער דעמאָלט...
Hi. Welcome to my video on how magnets reacts with a lot of different elemental metals. I've made this video because a lot of people seems to know very little about how metals reacts with a magnet. I...
Baby girl survives 50 degree Celsius heat. Hospital staff in Aksay, Russia have nicknamed the 2-week-old infant “Svetlana,” meaning “Sunny,” after she miraculously survived being outdoors for several...
Temperature Coefficient of Resistance Aim of the experiment is to determine the resistance of a given resistor in different temperature and hence to find the temperatrure co-efficient of resistance...
Hi. My name is Mark Bailey. I'm an application engineer here at Agilent Technologies and today we're actually in the standards lab here in Loveland, Colorado. With me today is Stan...



during winters we wear dark clothes because they absorb a lot more heat. to do this experiment take two aluminium cans. one colored black and the other should be shiny aluminium. now fill both the...