Hey! Welcome to Sunglasses Sunday. I'm just testing it out to see if I make it a thing. [ ♪♪♪ ] Hi there, I'm Roberto. Hope you guys are doing well. And I really want to thank you...
It's the year 2020, and the KFC chicken supply is dwindling Creating the Great Chicken Depression Antonio and Ali are buying KFC from the dealer, Where is he? Where is he Man? I don't...
needed a central city from ohio will 100 Day Challenge Start Online Blogging christmas whitewater holiday weekends like this summer it's thursday morning and i just wanted to get myself up...
I have a special connection to this place A bond that runs deeper than you might think (Music) One that ties us to our region and is shared by many There's a spirit here and a defiance that...
Hello everyone my name is Mario. Welcome to another Battlefield 3 video. This is the weapon guide for the PP-19 Personal Defense Weapon This russian PDW is a weapon available to all kits in...
I know what we're gonna do today, though it might sound just a bit cliché. We can build a rollercoaster, but this time with songs and dancing! 'Cause when we're back in school...
>> Girl: This summer I'm going to camp at Fortson. >> Girl: I'll go swimming. >> Boy: I'll get to go to Stone Mountain....
>> WILL RAMJASS: Hi my name is Will Ramjass. I'm the Assistant General Counsel at McDonald's Canada, and I'm here to answer a question today, sent in from John R....
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