۩► street fashion ◄۩

Hi, my name's Rachel and I'm the owner of austinstylewatch.com street fashion site, and I'm also a free-lance fashion reporter. Today we're going to talk about how to...
I lived here about four years ago Ruby when did you live here? five years ago, So you here at the same time? yes but didn't realize it sometimes Robin can come in and just say one word to me...
Hi. I'm Terri Turco with Expert Village and this segment is for women building their wardrobe over thirty. Now if you're over thirty, warm climate, cold climate, you've got to...
How do you feel about the current fashions on the street at the moment? The eighties fashions? Yeah, it’s a bit eighties at the moment. Some things I like. Like, for example, leggings are comfortable...
Urban Street Style is raging, trending and highly sought after. Women are on the go but want to represent a style that reflects a urban edge. One that is free flowing, expresses patterns, shapes and...
Hi I'm Julien... i'm a fashion writer @ "Comme un Camion" where you can find me under the name of Tony ! Today I have a "Back to School" look... I...
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