Nearly 3,500 years ago a prostitute woman by the name of Rahab, put not only her own life on the line, but also the life of her whole family. All in the name of Jehovah. It was because of her strong...
Released on September 25, 2009 - this slightly profitable sci-fi action thriller stars Bruce Willis - as, you guessed it - a police officer. Specifically, he's Tom Greer an FBI agent an...
angela instance extent will be released on Wednesday but it is entertainment she that that I she and that that footage of her sleep in a row which is eighteen was leaked she apparently didn't...
[Music] As you can probably tell Roy is a giver and not a receiver. For Roy, it's charity, not chastity. He performs acts of kindness wherever he goes and never says 'no thank you,...
Welcome to worship the lord bible study. January twenty twelve marks six years that the commentator Wayne Lampe has had new amyotrophic lateral sclerosis or better known as Lou Gehrig's...
Do your thing man give em some coke al charlies friends get free coke. give em cocaine let em go man. I wasnt stealing no pills Arch nemesis depraved chemist inject meth to veins to watch faggots on...
Text The Romance Back What Is Text The Romance Back? Relationship expert Michael Fiore created a step by step system for using tiny little text messages to create a private “intimate channel” between...
(♪ Theme Music ♪) ( Speaking Hebrew ) ♪ ♪ Myles: SHALOM AND WELCOME TO <i>ZOLA LEVITT PRESENTS.</i> I'M MYLES WEISS. Katharine: AND I'M KATHARINE WEISS AND...
[Music] Welcome to Fieldsports Britain. Coming up rabbits be afraid! We have goshawks and they're fuelled with Luptonite. Made in Chelsea - we're out with a group of great game girls...